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Winners announced in our Switchboard Fridge competition

Last week the winners of our Easter "Switchboard Fridge" Promotion were drawn out of the hat and some of our specially designed bar fridges have already been delivered to the lucky winners.

There was so much interest in our custom fridge that we decided to increase the number of fridges we were giving away from 5 to 8. So in alphabetic order, here's the list of 8 winners, along with some photos of our customers with Insulect staff delivering the fridges.

A-Line Group

Canberra Switchboards

GB Electrics

Lai Switchboards

Nylec Products

REID Switchboard Services

Relec Switchboards

RG Ladd

Many thanks to the many switchboard customers that participated in promotion. We really appreciate your continued business. We will update this post with more photos of the winners as we deliver the remaining fridges this week.